For A Cleaner and resilient grid
Energy Storage
- 150+ MWh deployed
- Reliable
- Infinitely scalable
Electrical Energy Storage
Upside Group is one of the largest operators of electrical energy storage systems (EES) providing control reserve (FCR & aFRR), operates on intraday and day-ahead markets and offers other grid-serving services in Europe. Some assets are already black-start capable at the present time. All of our technical units are pre-qualified and are, among others marketed 24/7 via the TSO platform for the allocation of control power.
Upside offers qualified investors fast and flexible access to high-yield projects. Upside Group structures the entire project with all contracts, financing and assets. Financing is generally provided with an appropriate equity share, while debt capital is raised through long-term loan or lease agreements.
Chemical Storage
Chemical storage systems are currently the most used class of energy storage systems for electrical energy. They are a key component of modern energy systems, as they can significantly improve the efficiency and sustainability of energy generation and use.
They support the integration of renewable energies and make it possible to bring energy generation and use closer to the point of consumption, leading to a more decentralized and resilient energy supply.
They are flexible and scalable and contribute to reducing CO₂ emissions and other harmful environmental impacts by reducing the need for fossil backup power plants.
Control Power
Control power is used in the electricity grid to ensure the stability and reliability of the electricity supply by balancing out short-term imbalances between electricity generation and consumption. These imbalances can be caused, for example, by unexpected fluctuations in electricity demand or sudden power plant outages. Control power therefore plays a central role in maintaining the grid frequency of 50 Hz, which is crucial for the secure functioning of the European electricity grid. The TSOs therefore try to maintain this 50 Hz frequency within a certain bandwidth under all circumstances by means of various system service products on the control power markets. The control power services differ significantly in terms of the time at which they are activated following demand and the time at which they are used.
Energy storage systems are ideal for providing FCR (frequency control reserve) and aFRR (automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve). Both are traded on the EEX (European Energy Exchange) in Germany; an open, transparent and non-discriminatory market. As there are deviations between the sum of current feed-ins and the sum of current withdrawals almost 24/7, the market is also extremely liquid.
Industrial Applications
Energy-intensive and energy-related companies can already benefit from intelligent storage solutions and prepare their entire company for the future.
Assistance and support is provided by distributed generation technology obtained from renewable energy sources as well as an innovative operational management, which is specialized in security of supply and cost efficiency. Storage solutions can be of great use in many different ways
- as a yield object for the marketing of grid-serving services
- for smoothing load peaks and possibly reducing grid usage fees
- as a multiplier of existing load management control power potentials
- to avoid grid expansion measures and the associated construction cost subsidy
- as a backup for safeguarding production
- to reduce grid dependencies in self-sufficient area grids or micro-grids
Upside Group offers qualified investors fast and flexible access to profitable projects. Upside organizes the entire project including contracts, financing and assets. The financing is usually based on a reasonable equity ratio, the outside capital is raised with long-term credits or leasing contracts. Depending on the investment needs the equity can also be provided jointly by several different parties. This kind of investment makes sense if the acquisition of an entire project exceeds the personal risk.